I’m back! Week 19 & Week 20..#31DC2017Weekly

Hey guys! It’s been a little while since I have posted. I got busy with some other things that had to take my first priority. I recently opened an Etsy shop with my mom (Mother & Daughter) so I’ve been putting a lot of time and work to that. Since I finally have things settled in place for now I thought I would jump on here and catch up.

I’m a few weeks behind on posting for the #31DC2017Weekly challenge but I still tried to do the weekly manicures. The first week I missed was Galaxy week..now I did one a few months ago and it turned out amazing but for this week I just wasn’t focused and tried to go the easy route..not what I had planned but whatcha gonna do?


I started off painting all my nails with Black & Blue by Sally Hansen..it’s a nice multicolor chrome polish in my opinion, sorta galaxy themed. Then I took a cosmetic wedge and attempted stamping various glitters to get a galaxy look. I believe I have all the colors right, I used Nicole by OPI’s Rich in Sprit, Sinful Colors Blueberry Hot Rod, Ice Blue, and Hottie.  It’s okay definitely not what I wanted but it worked.

This last week the prompt was Watermarble. I’ve tried water-marbling before and had a few hits along with misses so this was another good try to get better at it. I started off by painting all my nails with Taupe is Dope by Sinful Colors..I LOVE this color..It’s such a pretty color. It’s between a brown to a brown gray at times.


For the water-marble, I used Sinful Colors YOLO Yellow & Gold Medal..along with Wet n Wild’s French White Creme. For once, I am truly over the moon satisfied with this water-marble manicure! It turned out pretty dang well! Until……I smudged my middle finger, but again whatcha gonna do? At least the water-marble finally turned out good.

What’s your thoughts on these manicures? I’m hoping to stay on track now but if things get busy again, I’ve got to focus on that first.

Chat later!

  • Liz


Week 18: Half Moon – #31DC2017Weekly

Hey guys I’m back with another weekly manicure for the #31DC2017Weekly challenge. I’m slowly starting to get off track and burn out a little but I’ll get back on the tracks! I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do for this week..I don’t normally do half moons..only a handful of times. My creative side was not with me.

I started off by using one of my new polishes that I just posted about called Acid Test by Sinful Colors. It’s from their new pastel neon matte line. There are some pretty colors! This was color applied great, it only need 2 coats. I did not leave them matte though.

This is where the mani kinda went downhill. I wasn’t sure what color or how I wanted to do the half moon. I ended up going through my drawers and found half circle stickers to make the half moon on the bottom of my nails. I used Super Cooper by Sinful Colors, which has glitter that looks like crystal in a stone..it’s very pretty.


Overall, this manicure isn’t my favorite..I wasn’t with it and could have done something totally different. What’s your thoughts?

Chat later!

  • Liz

Sinful Colors Pastel Neon Collection

Hey guys! I’m pretty excited about this post and couldn’t wait to tell you about what I found. I’ve been checking Instagram quite a lot lately, waiting for new limited edition collections to come out from Sinful Colors. I saw a few posts about pastel colors but never found them in my local stores until this past week. I grabbed the four, I loved from first sight (haha)..there’s I believe 5 or 6 total in the collection. They are suppose to be pastel neons with a matte finish. I’ve been really liking matte and pastel colors lately too..so it’s a match.


First one is Make A Scene! It’s slight bit darker than a bubblegum pink I think but still pastel and bright. I wouldn’t consider a super girly pink..but something everyone may like.

Second one is Lilac Out Loud! This is the first one I seen from a distance..it’s such a pretty purple. I’m horrible at describing colors, I’m trying. It may shift to a pink in certain lights but not sure till I give it a shot.

Acid Test is the third one (4th in the picture)..and I love greens especially this green. It’s not something I would typically run to, I’m more towards the minty greens but I couldn’t let this go. It’s a green with yellow hues.

Last but not least is Under The Inbluence (3rd in the picture)..I can’t walk away from blues either. This one reminds me of Candy Hearts another polish from a collection that I’ve shared a million times. It’s a baby blue shade..very pretty also!

If you know me, I’ll probably go grab the others from this collection just so I have them in my hands. Are you interested in any of these colors?

Chat later!

  • Liz

Week 17: Glitter – #31DC2017Weekly

Hi guys! I’m back on the correct week again. For how long? Who knows, haha! This week for the #31DCWeekly challenge the prompt was glitter. I didn’t want to go super crazy so I went easy.

I started off by using Mint Chip by Sinful Colors on all my nails. I seriously love this color..I wish I could find another bottle. It does dry matte but for this mani I applied a shine coat to it. It’s just the perfect mint green..everyone needs it!

Next, for the glitter I used Kanfetti which is part of the same collection as Mint Chip..Kandee Johnson collection. This glitter has white, blue, yellow-green glitters. I thought it would look great over the mint green.



Like I said it was an easy one..but I LOVE it! All my favorite colors in it to be honest.


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Week 16: Geometric – #31DC2017Weekly

Hey guys! We are on week 16 of the #31DCWeekly manicure challenge..halfway through and I have to say I’m glad I choose to do it. I have been having so much fun coming up with ideas and trying things I wouldn’t normally do! It’s opened my eyes a little more. Anyway, this week’s prompt was geometric nails. Since I already did the chevron stamping I choose a little cooler of a pattern. Let’s go.

I started off by using ‘Kommotion’ by Sinful Colors..it was part of the KJC collection a while back. I like this color because it’s a purple with blueish tints. It also a gold shimmer in it which I tried to capture in a photo below.

Next, I pulled out my Pueen Party Lover stamping plate, and choose a pattern that looked geometric to me. It’s got lines & small circles. After a few days of wearing it, I finally discovered what it is of in my opinion, I think it’s palm tree leaves? Possibly. I used the white stamping polish that came with the kit.


I really liked how this manicure looks. The color & stamping work great together! Thoughts?

Chat later!

  • Liz

Week 15: Delicate Print – #31DC2017Weekly

Hi guys! I’m back for week 15 of the #31DCWeekly manicure challenge. This week the theme was delicate print.

I started off by painting all my nails in Cheshire China by Sinful Colors. This is one of my favorites, it’s a porcelain matte finish and it just reminds me of vintage. It’s a light lavender, just so pretty I wish I grabbed another bottle when it was available!

I was searching my stamping plates for a delicate print and I noticed one that looks similar to lace. I thought it would look very well with the color I choose. I used Pueen stamping plate Fairytale Lover and the stamping polish that came with it. Once again, my stamping has improved! This time I also used a heavier layer of top coat and didn’t get the smearing I got before.


Overall, I love this manicure. It’s so just vintage and delicate feeling to me. What’s your thoughts?

Chat later!

  • Liz

Week 14: Flowers – #31DC2017Weekly

Hey guys! I’m finally back with another weekly manicure for the #31DC2017Weekly challenge & this is my 200th post. I’m glad that I started this blog & thankful for those who follow me. I have learned so much from different techniques to different polishes to try. Thank you all for following along. Let’s get to the nail art.

This week I used Back to the Fuchsia by Sally Hansen. I’ve been aiming to use the polishes that I rarely grab for, for the rest of this challenge! This pink has shimmers of purple in certain lighting which I like.


For the flowers, I used my Pueen Party Stamping plate..and stamped this lovely rose pattern. I used the white stamping polish that came with the kit too. I’m slowly getting better and I don’t know why I didn’t try stamping sooner! It is so much fun and I totally recommend it.

That’s all for this manicure..chat later!

  • Liz

Week 13: Animal Print – #31DC2017Weekly

Hey guys! We are on week 13 of the #31DC2017Weekly manicure challenge…I’m glad I was able to catch up and now have time to do some other manicures on the side too. This weeks theme was Animal Print..which was perfect to practice my stamping abilities again. One of the plates I have has 2 zebra prints, so that’s my print of choice.

For the weeks manicure, I tried out a new polish, it’s by Orly..from their breathable line that recently came out not too long ago I believe. I’ve been meaning purchase one but put it off until I saw a color I couldn’t resist. The name is Beauty Essential, which I don’t typical run to reds but this one is different. It’s more of a brighter red-orange and it’s a nice pop of color. Plus, summer is coming or should I say here as it almost hit 90 degrees today. Anyhow, I love the way this polish looks & applied. You aren’t suppose to use a base coat or top coat because it’s an all in one deal..and suppose to be a treatment too.

I can say that it has been 3 days and there’s very minimal chipping, just one little one from me trying to open something with my nail. They hold up good for the most part without adding a top coat, I’m impressed.

To finish this off, I took my Pueen Party Lover stamping plate and stamped the zebra print on my middle & ring fingers. I used the white stamping polish by Pueen as well. For my second time trying to stamp I think I did a million times better than before! I learned that I need to roll the stamp on, not just smash it down onto the nail. The only mess up on this manicure was I applied the top coat to quickly and the polish smeared on one nails, bummer! I need to learn patience, lol.

What’s your thoughts on this manicure?

Chat later!

  • Liz

Book Review: Let’s Get Lost by Adi Alsaid

Hey guys! I’m back with a book review finally. It’s been awhile..I kind of slacked off a bit with my reading but I’m back on the train for a little while again. Today, I’m going to share my opinion on Let’s Get Lost by Adi Alsaid.


Now, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve read this but I remember a good portion of this book..bare with me.

It starts off with us meeting a girl named Lelia. She has basically runaway from home for the summer and is going on a road-trip to see the northern lights. Along the way she meets 4 different people all in different scenarios but she comes to them right in their time of need.

She first meets Hudson. He works with his dad as a mechanic. Lelia ends up needing work done on her car when she winds up at Hudson’s shop. He gets working on her car, turns out liking her and talks her into letting him show her around Vicksburg, Mississippi..all night. Well, Hudson was suppose to be studying all night for college interview but that change when he was late the next morning. That left Lelia and Hudson on bad terms and she left.

Next, she met Bree. Bree was walking down the side of a highway basically running away from home as well. Lelia stopped her car and let Bree in. Lelia learned that Bree was having a rocky relationship with her sister and wanted to get away. Leila and Bree ended up doing very risky things and one landed them in jail. The only way for them to get bailed out was for Bree to call her sister. Peace was finally made and Lelia continued on her journey to the northern lights.

While driving through Minneapolis, Lelia came upon a figure in the middle of the road and nearly hit them. That’s when she met Elliot. He was going through rough time with a girl at prom. Him and Lelia ended up running all over town trying to track this girl down so Elliot could sing a song and confess his love to her..but it ended up turning all bad.

On her last stop, she met Sonia. This was a crazy adventure here. Sonia was sorta dating a guy named Jeremiah..but it was all a secret because she didn’t want her old boyfriend named Sam, family to be upset (he passed away). Sonia was suppose to be attending a wedding that her boyfriend was in..along with Sam’s sister. Sonia went to runaway from the wedding that’s when Lelia met her. Lelia and her were driving away..a long ways away back to the US from Canada..she was wearing Jeremiah’s tuxedo and the rings were in there. Leila and Sonia had to go back to Canada but neither had passports! They ended up getting there through a series of events..that ended up with Sonia & Jeremiah being able to be together after all.

Finally, after all the stops and friends that Lelia had met she made it to her destination. She went to a campground where she met another family that made her feel comfortable while being there. They had a daughter named Dee..she got real close with Lelia and they threw Lelia a birthday party because Lelia never remembered having one (her parents and sister both died in an accident). Dee got frustrated after the birthday party because it didn’t bring any memories back for Lelia and she ran away. After they found Dee..she pointed up and there were the northern lights, just for Lelia.

I really enjoyed this book and I was in tune the entire time! It was so hard to put down.

Chat later!

  • Liz

Week 12: Stripes – #31DC2017Weekly

Hey guys! I’m on the correct week for the #31DC2017Weekly manicure challenge, this week was stripes. I was really excited to do this weeks because I recently found stamping plates at Walmart so I picked them up. They are from the brand Pueen, You can buy the stamping kit which I did and get a stamping plate, stamper, scraper, and two polishes. I also bought one other plate that they had separately too.

I started off by painting my nails in No Place Like Chrome by Essie. I love this silver, it’s very opaque which is nice.


Next, I used the black polish that came with the stamping kit and attempt to stamp chevron stripes. I’m just a very beginner so they are not near good, but good for a very beginner! I’m happy with them and after some practice and playing around I’ll get better.

If your have any real good tips for stamping, I would love hear them and try them! What’s your thoughts on this manicure?

Chat later!

  • Liz